TitleNotes on sermons delivered by John Bailey, 1687
ShelfmarkMs. SBd-105
Creation Date1687 - 1687
RepositoryMassachusetts Historical Society
Contents NoteThis notebook includes notes on sermons likely delivered in Massachusetts in 1687. These notes represent sermons by a variety of ministers including John Bailey of Watertown and Mr. Mather of Cambridge.
Material FeaturesSmall notebook, written in a small hand. The notebook is severely damaged, and the pages are very delicate. Pages are unfoliated and unpaginated, and the notes change to being written in reverse for the last third of the notebook.
Associated People
Source of DataAbigail Hill; ABIGAIL the library catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society
Other NoteThe writer of the notebook is unknown.
Sermons ContainedSermon on May 2,1687 -- 8 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon by Mr. Gookin -- 14 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Colossians 2:13 -- 6 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon by Mr. Gookin -- 7 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Hebrews 16:20 -- 7 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Proverbs 2:13 -- 8 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Micah 7:14 -- 8 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Hebrews 5:7 -- 7 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on John 13 -- 13 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon 1 on Romans 6:21 -- 10 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon 2 on Romans 6:21 -- 9 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Romans 7:8 -- 8 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Psalms 93:5 -- 6 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Matthew 5:4 -- 5 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon 1 on Proverbs 23:7 -- 7 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Proverbs 30:22 -- 7 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on 2 Timothy 6:19 -- 4 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon by Young Mr. Bailey -- 6 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Deuteronomy 7:3 -- 4 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon 2 on Proverbs 23:7 -- 6 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Amos 7:3 -- 9 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Proverbs 21 -- 18 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon by Mr. Bailey -- 11 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Romans 15:4 -- 6 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Colossians 3:11 -- 6 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Lamentations 15:4 -- 11 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon on Psalms 87:5 -- 13 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon 1 on Psalms 106:15 -- 9 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon 2 on Psalms 106:15 -- 24 pages, unfoliated and unpaginatedSermon by Mr. Bailey -- 7 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon on 2 Corinthians 13:5 -- 8 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon on Song of Solomon 3 -- 7 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon on Psalms 40:17 -- 5 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon on Proverbs 23:7 -- 8 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon 1 on Acts 9:11 -- 16 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon on Colossians 3:11 -- 5 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon on Micah 7:3 -- 5 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon 2 on Acts 9:11 -- 5 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon 3 on Acts 9:11 -- 11 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon 4 on Acts 9:11 -- 23 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon by Mr. Bailey -- 6 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon 5 on Acts 9:11 -- 13 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon on John 28:6 -- 22 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)Sermon on Colossians 7:11 -- 6 pages, unfoliated and unpaginated (in reverse)
Sermon Reports Contained
GEMMS record createdJuly 31, 2023
GEMMS record last editedJuly 31, 2023