GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
PlaceHampton (settlement), Virginia, United States of America, North America
Associated PeopleHome - Paxton, Robert
Manuscripts Housed
Preachings (old) - Loss and gain of the soul - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Anger - Occasion not identified (old) - Of the Tares in the Church - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Humility - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Imitat[in]g God - Occasion not identified (old) - Of fortitude & resolut[io]n - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Repentance - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Loving one ano[ther] - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Christs Resurrect[io]n - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Salvation - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Living a good life - Occasion not identified (old) - Of the Sacrament - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Patience - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Angels - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Peace - Occasion not identified (old) - Of future happines - Occasion not identified (old) - Of the Christian race - Occasion not identified (old) - The wisdom of fearing God - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Mans blessed End - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Walking Circumspectly - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Redeeming the Time - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Christs Crucifixion - Occasion not identified (old) - Of the holy Ghosts descent - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Justice & Equity - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Our Lords Incarnat[io]n - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Blameles living - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Moderat[io]n - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Christs propitiat[io]n - Occasion not identified (old) - Of the Sacrament - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Love - Occasion not identified (old) - The Son of God - Occasion not identified (old) - Of Christs Passion - Occasion not identified (old) - Gospel Light - Occasion not identified (old) - Godlines maketh Happy - Occasion not identified (old) - Christ our head - Occasion not identified (old) - Against evil speaking - Occasion not identified (old) - The parable of the sower - Occasion not identified (old) - Of the Resurrect[io]n of Christ - Occasion not identified (old) - Against the fear of death - Occasion not identified (old) - Of the Lords Supper - Occasion not identified (old) - Of the burdene of sin - Occasion not identified (old) - Anent afflictions - Occasion not identified (old) - Deliverance from sea dangers - Occasion not identified (old) - The easinesse of Christs yoke - Occasion not identified (old) - The souls rest - Occasion not identified (old) - Examples to Christians - Occasion not identified (old) - Christ tempted - Occasion not identified (old) - A fast sermon - Fast
Linked Sermon Reports
GEMMS record createdFebruary 14, 2021
GEMMS record last editedFebruary 14, 2021