GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
TitleCollection of medical and veterinary receipts
Creation Date1686 - 1704
RepositoryWellcome Library
Contents NoteThis manuscript contains a collection of medical and veterinary receipts. Pp. 1-70 is written in a rounded scrivener's hand. Other parts of the manuscript are written in a less sophisticated hand. It is conjectured by the Wellcome Library cataloguer that the manuscript was begun by a professional scribe, with the compiler himself finishing the rest of the manuscript.
Material FeaturesOctavo. Original calf binding, with two brass and leather clasps.
Associated Peoplemanuscript owner - Brooker, Josephmanuscript owner - Hodgkin, John
ProvenanceFrom the John Hodgkin Collection of Cookery Books.
AcquisitionPurchased 1931.
Source of DataWellcome Library online catalogue; S. A. J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: The Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine, 1973), Vol. II, p. 148; Hannah Yip.
Other Note
Sermons Contained
Sermon Reports ContainedBuriall of my wife -- Inside back cover
Attached URLs:
URLNotes copy of Wellcome Library, MS1364.
GEMMS record createdOctober 26, 2020
GEMMS record last editedNovember 07, 2020