TitleMan's Threefold State
ShelfmarkMS. Rawl. C. 754
Creation Dateca. 1695 - 1695
RepositoryBodleian Library
Contents NoteThis manuscript volume opens with 'Man's Threefold State. or A short view of God's special providence towards mankind under the two Covenants. Together With an enquiery into the right ends of good works under the gospel dispensation' (presentation copy of a treatise by 'J. B.', dated 1695). This is followed by 'Instructions for Singing' (ff. 48v-50v) and some miscellaneous philosophical and theological notes.
Material FeaturesDuodecimo. 57ff.
Associated Peoplemanuscript owner - Rawlinson, Richard
Source of DataWilliam D. Macray, Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae Partis Quintae Fasciculus Secundus, Viri Munificentissimi Ricardi Rawlinson, &c. [i.e. the Rawlinson C Catalogue] (Oxford, 1878), p. 390; Hannah Yip.
Other Note
Sermons ContainedMr Davis (Preaching at Rope-Makers Ally[)] -- f. 56r
Sermon Reports Contained
GEMMS record createdNovember 10, 2021
GEMMS record last editedNovember 10, 2021