TitleSermon on Psalms 119:71
ShelfmarkGB 12 MS Add.52
Creation Date1655 - 1655
RepositoryCambridge University Library
Contents NoteA sermon on Psalms 119:71, dedicated '[t]o the Hon:ble the Lady Penelope Dynham from her Most humble servt. John Cox'. Dated 16 February 1654/5.
Material FeaturesQuarto. Bound in gold-tooled calf, with evidence of ties. Fourteen leaves, excluding blanks.
Source of DataCambridge University Library online catalogue; Hannah Yip.
Other Note
Sermons ContainedSermon on Psalms 119:71 -- ff. 2r-15r
Sermon Reports Contained
GEMMS record createdJuly 04, 2022
GEMMS record last editedJuly 04, 2022