GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
TitleCopies of a Course of Sermons by Dr. Anthony Horneck
ShelfmarkMS. Rawl. E. 167
Creation Date1688 -
RepositoryBodleian Library
Contents NoteCopies of a series of sermons on the 51st Psalm, preached by Dr. Horneck at the Savoy in 1686-1687. Also contains copies of two sermons preached in 1687-1688 by Dr. Horneck, which were copied by 'Sarah Grimes' in 1688 (p. 458 rev.).
Material FeaturesThe whole manuscript is in excellent condition and written in two very clear hands.
Associated Peoplemanuscript owner - Cutting, Samuellmanuscript owner - Rawlinson, Richardmanuscript owner - Wilson, Grindalmanuscript owner? - Grimes, Sarah
ProvenanceWritten c. 1688, partly by Sarah Grimes. The book was owned by 'Samuell Cutting' c. 1700. Rawlinson noted, on the inner left-hand cover, ‘This ms. of dr Horneck was never yet printed and was purchased by me out of the library of the Revd Mr Grindal Wilson Rector of Rochford in the county of worcester.’
Source of DataLucy Busfield; Bodleian Library Rawlinson catalogue
Other NoteThis manuscript is cited in Ian M. Green, Continuity and Change in Protestant Preaching in Early Modern England (London: Dr Williams's Trust, 2009), p. 42 n. 104.
Sermons ContainedA Sermon Preached by Anthony Horneck: the 1st sermon from the 51th psalme and the first verse -- pp. 1-17The second sermon upon the 1st verse of the 51th psalm -- pp. 18-36The 3d sermon from the first verse of the 51th psalme Preached by Anthony Horneck -- pp. 37-53The 4th: sermon from the first verse of 51th: psalm Preached by Anthony Horneck -- pp. 54-71A sermon Preached by Anthony Horneck, Being the first sermon from the 2nd: verse of the 51th: psalm -- pp. 72-89The 2nd: sermon from the 2nd: verse of the 51th: psalm preached by Anthony Horneck -- pp. 90-105The third sermon from the 2nd: verse of the 51th: psalm preached by Anthony Horneck -- pp. 106-121The fourth sermon from the 2nd: verse of the 51th: psalm. preached by Anthony Horneck -- pp. 122-138The first sermon from the 3d: verse of the 51th: psalm Preached by Anthony Horneck -- pp. 139-156The second sermon from 3d: vers of the 51th: psalm. Preached by: Anthony Horneck -- pp. 157-174The first sermon from the 4th: verse of the 51th: psalm. Preached by Anthony Hornecke -- pp. 175-193The second and Last sermon on the 51th: psalm the 4th: vers Preached by Anthony Horneck -- pp. 194-211A sermon Preached by Anthony Hornecke. D: D: from the 5th: verse of the 51th: psalme -- pp. 212-227The first sermon from the 6th: verse of the 51th: psalme By Anthony Horneck -- pp. 228-245The second sermon from the 6th: vers of the 51th: psalme preached by Anthony Horneck -- pp. 246-262The third and Last sermon on the 6th: vers of the 51th: psalm preached by Antho: Horneck -- pp. 263-279A preparation sermon for the sacrament preached By Anth: Horneck from the 7th: vers of the 51th: psalm -- pp. 280-296A sermon Preached by Anthoney Horneck from the 8th: verse of the 51th: psalm -- pp. 297-311The first sermon from the 9th: verse of the 51th: psalme preached by Anth Horneck -- pp. 312-329The second sermon on the 9th: vers of the 51th: psalm preached by Anthony Horneck -- pp. 330-347A sermon Preached by Anthoney Horneck on the 10th: vers of the 51th: psalm -- pp. 348-365Sermon from the 11th vers of the 51th: psalm By Anthony Hornecke -- pp. 365-381The first sermon on the 12th verse of the 51th: psalm -- pp. 381-395The second and Last sermon from the 12th: vers of the 51th: psalm -- pp. 395-411A Sarmon Preached by Dr Horneck -- pp. 436-458 (written in reverse)A Sarmon Preached by Dr Horneck -- pp. 425-434 (written in reverse)
Sermon Reports Contained
GEMMS record createdJanuary 20, 2016
GEMMS record last editedDecember 22, 2020