GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
TitleHugh Hall Papers, 1693-1773
ShelfmarkMs. N-1352
Creation Dateca. 1708 - 1709
Contents NoteThis notebook is contained in a collection of papers belonging to Hugh Hall, a Boston merchant. Most of the other materials in this collection relate to trading, and the sermon notebook covers sermons and lectures delivered in Boston in February and March 1708/9.
Material FeaturesSmall rebound notebook written in a small, neat hand. The first page of the notebook includes a partial index list of sermons and the note "Hugh Hall his Book began February 3th wch was Lector day anno Domini 1708/9." Pages 16-23 seem to have been trimmed.
Associated Peoplemanuscript owner - Hall, Hugh
AcquisitionPrevious owner: "Given by Mrs. Mary Banry (Jackson) Rathbone February 24, 1921"
Source of DataAbigail Hill; ABIGAIL the library catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society
Other Note
Sermon Reports Contained
GEMMS record createdJanuary 31, 2024
GEMMS record last editedJanuary 31, 2024