GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
TitleCotton Mather's Sermon Notebook, 1691-1692
ShelfmarkMSS Boxes M (Mather Family Papers, 1613-1819)
Creation Date1691 - 1692
Contents Note"Substance of several sermons of sundry ministers. Taken by Cotton Mather 1691-1692." The description for the digitized manuscript is incorrect, as these are not sermons preached by Mather but rather audited by Mather. Preceded by an index of sermons with citations.
Material FeaturesLeather-bound, octavo or folio (catalogue does not specify). 178 pages. Mather notes in his index that "The Book is New-paged from about the middle to the end of it," and thus the pagination begins at 1 again.
Associated Peopleauditor - Mather, Cotton
Source of DataHannah Wood
Other NoteDigitized by the Hidden Histories Project through the Congregational Library. The pages seem to be digitized out of order, as the pagination skips around. Page numbers for each sermon are therefore taken from Mather's index. Five sermons listed in the index appear to be missing. These missing sermons have been entered as sermon reports.
Attached URLs:
URLNotes manuscript.
GEMMS record createdMarch 20, 2024
GEMMS record last editedApril 28, 2024