TitleClement Armestrongs Sermons & declarac[i]ons agaynst Popishe ceremonyes
ShelfmarkE 36/197
Creation Dateca. 1532 - 1533
RepositoryThe National Archives
Contents NoteOn the flyleaf (recto), the following has been written: 'Clement Armstronges Sermons & declarac[i]ons agaynst Popishe ceremonyes.' The nine items within this volume could be classified as tracts rather than sermons, as there is no evidence that they were intended to be preached orally (See 'Other Note' below). None of Armstrong's writings was published in his lifetime (see Beier, p. 80).
Material FeaturesTwentieth-century binding. Folio. c. 350 pages. The volume is mispaginated from p. 197. The gold lettering on the spine reads as follows: 'ARMESTRONG'S SERMONS, &C.' Some of the pages are watermarked with a symbol of a hand touching a flower with five petals.
ProvenanceThe name 'Quintus' (no surname) has been written in the volume.
Source of DataTNA Catalogue; Hannah Yip.
Other NoteAlthough Reinhold Pauli seems to have classified all entries in this volume as sermons, the present cataloguer has only noted four (i.e. tracts 1, 3, 5, and 8), as these are the only entries which appear to be tied closely to a Biblical text. For more information on Clement Armstrong, see S. T. Bindoff, 'Clement Armstrong and His Treatises of the Commonweal', The Economic History Review, 14.1 (1944), pp. 64-73; Ethan H. Shagan, 'Clement Armstrong and the godly commonwealth: radical religion in early Tudor England', in Peter Marshall and Alec Ryrie, eds, The Beginnings of English Protestantism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 60-83; A. L. Beier, Social Thought in England, 1480-1730: From Body Social to Worldly Wealth (Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge, 2016), ch. 5. In addition, part of E 36/197 (Sermon on 2 Thessalonians 3:10, the second catalogued tract) is reproduced, with explanatory notes in German, in Reinhold Pauli, 'Drei volkswirthschaftliche Denkschriften aus der Zeit Heinrichs VIII. von England', Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 23 (1878), pp. 1-77.
Sermons ContainedSermon on Jeremiah 30 -- pp. 3-55Sermon on 2 Thessalonians 3:10 -- pp. 115-151Sermon on Psalms 7:15 -- 18 leavesSermon on John 6:45 -- 13 leaves
Sermon Reports Contained
Attached URLs:
URL | Notes |
---|---| | TNA Catalogue entry for E 36/197. |
GEMMS record createdDecember 21, 2018
GEMMS record last editedFebruary 17, 2019