GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
OccasionPalm Sunday
Sermons1640-04-01 - A Sermon upon the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ: Preached at Cranforde on the Sunday before Easter In the year of our Lord, 16401714-03-25 - Copy of a Sermon on 1 Timothy 1:21702-03-29 - Good Friday Sermon1702-03-29 - Good Friday Sermon1645-03-30 - Ps.25 vs 20 Let perfectness and righteous dealing form me for my hope hath been in thee1679-04-13 - Sermon 1 on 1 Corinthians 11:261682-04-09 - Sermon 1 on 1 Peter 2:241679-04-13 - Sermon 1 on Mark 6:311683-04-01 - Sermon 1 on Romans 5:81683-04-01 - Sermon 1 on Romans 5:81679-04-13 - Sermon 2 on Mark 6:311629-04-27 - Sermon 4 on James 4:1 - Sermon [6] on 1 Corinthians 11:28 - Sermon 9 on unidentified text1669-04-04 - Sermon on 1 Corinthians 13:131714-03-25 - Sermon on 1 Timothy 1:21683-04-01 - Sermon on 2 Corinthians 6:21670-03-27 - Sermon on Acts 17:301670-03-27 - Sermon on Acts 17:301669-04-04 - Sermon on Ecclesiastes 7:11683-03-23 - Sermon on Ephesians 5:191689-03-24 - Sermon on Hebrews 6:20 - Sermon on John 12:131653-03-27 - Sermon on John 16:23-241706-03-28 - Sermon on Lamentations 1:171707-04-17 - Sermon on Lamentations 1:171660-04-15 - Sermon on Luke 18:31-341684-03-30 - Sermon on Luke 19:401675-03-19 - Sermon on Luke 27:191670-03-27 - Sermon on Mark 1:14-151670-03-27 - Sermon on Mark 1:14-151679-04-13 - Sermon on Mark 6:31 - Sermon on Matthew 21:1 - Sermon on Matthew 21:51711-03-25 - Sermon on Matthew 24:131634-03-22 - Sermon on Matthew 8:91695-03-17 - Sermon on Philippians 2:81722-03-18 - Sermon on Philippians 2:81666-04-08 - Sermon on Psalms 4:61675-03-19 - Sermon on Romans 7:22
GEMMS record createdJanuary 07, 2016
GEMMS record last editedMay 01, 2024