GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
NameRalph Brideoake
DenominationChurch of England
Livedb. ca. 1613-01-31 - d. 1678-10-05 (old)
Linked Manuscripts
Linked SermonsSermon on Ephesians 4:30 -- preacher (autograph: no)
Linked Reports
Associated PlacesChichester -- BishopricSalisbury Cathedral -- DeaneryStandish -- ParishWitney -- ParishBrasenose College -- Place of Study
Source of DataODNB (Article: 3385); AO (Foster); CCEd (ID: 9732); Hannah Yip.
Biographical Sources ConsultedODNB (Article: 3385); AO (Foster); CCEd (ID: 9732)
Other NoteRalph Brideoake was baptized at Manchester on 31 January 1613. He matriculated on 9 December 1630 at Brasenose College, Oxford, at the age of sixteen, subsequently graduating B.A. on 9 July 1634. Brideoake was presented with the living of Standish, Lancashire in 1645, which he held for the rest of his lifetime. He became Rector and Vicar of Witney, Oxfordshire in 1657, holding these posts until August 1663. On 9 March 1675, Brideoake became Bishop of Chichester. He died on 5 October 1678 and was buried at Bray's Chapel, Windsor.
GEMMS record createdJune 24, 2019
GEMMS record last editedJune 26, 2019