GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
NameWilliam Malen (Malin)
Livedb. - d. (old)
Linked Manuscripts
Linked SermonsSermon 1 on Ezra 9:15 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon 1 on Revelations 3:1 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon 2 on Ezra 9:15 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon 2 on Revelations 3:1 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Mark 18:8-9 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Psalms 126:5 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Revelations 3:1-2 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Romans 3:23 -- preacher (autograph: no)
Linked Reports
Associated PlacesWalsgrave on Sowe -- PostWyken -- Post
Source of DataCatherine Evans
Biographical Sources ConsultedCCEd (Person ID: 53675)
Other NoteThe preacher for several sermons in DE/P/F12. The forename of the preacher is not given, however this is the only Malen listed in CCEd at around this time. William Malen was ordained in 1642 and Curate at Wyken from 1662-1676 and Vicar at WaLSGRAVE ON sOWE FROM 1675-1679.
GEMMS record createdOctober 19, 2020
GEMMS record last editedOctober 19, 2020