NameNicholas Carvell
DenominationChurch of England
Livedb. ca. 1527-01-01 - d. ca. 1566-08-07 (old)
Linked Manuscripts
Linked SermonsSermon on Matthew 4:1 -- preacher (autograph: no)
Linked Reports
Source of DataHannah Wood
Biographical Sources ConsultedODNB; ACAD (Venn)
Other NoteNicholas Carvell (alternatively Kervile or Kervyle) graduated B.A. from King's College, Cambridge, in 1549 and proceeded M.A. in 1553. Exiled under Queen Mary in 1554, he lived in Zurich and Frankfurt before returning to England in 1558. He was collated to the vicarage of South Weald (Essex) and the rectory of Laindon (Essex) in 1560. Carvell was one of twenty non-conformists who in 1565 sought exemption from wearing prescribed vestments. Carvell died in South Weald and was buried there on 7 August 1566.
GEMMS record createdJanuary 31, 2021
GEMMS record last editedJanuary 31, 2021