NameFrancis? Fuller
Livedb. ca. 1637-03-25 - d. 1701-07-21 (old)
Linked Manuscripts
Linked SermonsSermon on Matthew 11:28 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Micah 5:5 -- preacher (autograph: no)
Linked Reports
Source of DataDavid Robinson
Biographical Sources ConsultedSI
Other Notefl. 1694 in London. Seems likely to have been Francis Fuller, a dissenter, who was ejected from his post at Marston St. Lawrence, Northamptonshire. Became itinerant preacher in London and West of England (at Bath ca. 1688, and Bristol, ca. 1690). Assistant to Timothy Crusoe at Poor Jewry Lane, London in 1701. Died 21 July 1701, aged 64.
GEMMS record createdMay 08, 2021
GEMMS record last editedMay 27, 2021