NameHenry Hunter
Livedb. ca. 1681-01-01 - d. 1731-11-29 (new)
Linked Manuscriptspreacher - Communion sermons by various preachers, 1712-20: GB 247 MS Gen 408
Linked SermonsAne Homily on Philippians 2.3 by Henry Hunter -- author (autograph: yes)Sermon on 1 Corinthians 11:31 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Ephesians 5:2 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Genesis 15:1 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Genesis 17:3 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Isaiah 64:7 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Isaiah 6:5 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Jeremiah 32:40 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on John 11:56 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Matthew 26:28 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Psalms 48:8 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Psalms 51:3 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Psalms 63:2 -- preacher (autograph: no)Sermon on Revelation 2:4 -- preacher (autograph: no)
Linked Reports
Source of DataNicole Cumming
Biographical Sources ConsultedFES, III, p.156
Other NoteBorn 1581 and educated at the University of Glasgow (surviving sermon dates this to c.1702), ordained to Mearns 28 April 1713.
GEMMS record createdJune 16, 2023
GEMMS record last editedAugust 01, 2023