NameJames Owen
DenominationDissenter - Presbyterian
Livedb. 1654-11-01 - d. 1706-04-08 (old)
Linked Manuscripts
Linked SermonsA Sermon Preached by Mr James Owen at the Sad Funeral of my Dear Father June 28 1696 -- preacher (autograph: no)Preacht by Mr. Owen of Oswestry the day after the sad Funer[al] of my Hon[or]d Fa[ther] Mr. P. Henry -- preacher (autograph: no)
Linked Reports
Source of DataAnne James; David Robinson
Biographical Sources ConsultedODNB (Article: 21012)
Other Note"An Account of the Life and Death of Mr Philip Henry" (1797) describes a 1681 incident in which Owen was required to appear before his bishop, William Lloyd, for preaching without episcopal ordination (p. 137). Owen's sermon following Philip Henry's funeral is summarized on pp. 182-84 (See notes on this sermon in DWL MS 91.15). Owen was also the author of "A Plea for Scripture Ordination" (1694). Owen spent most of his life ministering and lecturing around north Wales, Cheshire, and Lancashire. In 1700, he joined Francis Tallents as co-pastor of High Street Chapel in Shrewsbury.
GEMMS record createdMay 11, 2016
GEMMS record last editedMay 01, 2017