NameWilliam Harris
DenominationDissenter - Presbyterian
Livedb. ca. 1675-01-01 - d. 1740-05-25 (old)
Linked Manuscripts
Linked Sermons
Linked ReportsDiary of Marriot -- preacher
Associated PlacesPoor Jewry Lane, Crutched Friars -- ParishSouthwell's Academy -- Place of StudyTimothy Jollie's Academy -- Place of StudyWaters' Academy -- Place of StudyGravel Lane Chapel -- PostKing's/Queen's Weigh-house, Eastcheap -- PostSalters' Hall -- Post
Source of DataJennifer Farooq; Benjamin Durham
Biographical Sources ConsultedONDB (Article: 12425); SI (Index ID: 13604)
Other NoteLittle is known of his early life, but he was born in 1675, perhaps in Southwark. Educated at Timoty Jollie's Academy at Attercliffe, Yorkshire. Attended Southwell's Academy at Newbury from 1692 to c. 1694. Also attended an academy kept by James Waters at Uxbridge. Assisted Henry Read at Gravel Lane Chapel, Southwark, 1697-8. Presbyterian pastor of Poor Jewry Lane, Crutched Friars, London, 1698-1740. One of the Friday evening lecturers at Weigh-house, Eastcheap, 1708-c. 1740. Merchant's lecturer at Salter's Hall, 1712 (or 1727)-c. 1730s. Received a DD from University of Edinburgh and from King's College, Aberdeen, in 1728. Died 25 May 1740 in London.
Attached URLs:
URL | Notes |
---|---|¶meter=surmanSurname&alpha=H | SI entry for William Harris | | VIAF entry |
GEMMS record createdJuly 31, 2015
GEMMS record last editedJanuary 11, 2017