GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
Sermon TitleSermon on Jeremiah 51:9 (descriptive title)
Extentff. 39v-40r
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeAuditor's Notes
Sermon Type(s)
Associated Peoplenotetaker - Sancroft (Sandcroft) the elder, Williampreacher - Crashawe, William
Associated Sermons
Preachings1607-02-14 (old) - St Paul's Cross - Occasion not identified;
Additional Material
Print Editions / WitnessesAlthough the sermon is identified in the manuscript only as "Mr. Crashaw's sermon at the Cross", it is presumably William Crashawe, The Sermon Preached at the Cross, Feb. xiiii. 1607. ... (London, 1609).
Source of DataJeanne Shami
Other NoteThe date and bible text are identified only in the printed version.
GEMMS record createdJanuary 19, 2017
GEMMS record last editedOctober 28, 2021