GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
Sermon TitleSermon on John 21:17 (descriptive title)
Extentpp. 225-226
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeAuditor's Notes
Sermon Type(s)Exercise
Bible TextsJohn 21:17 - 21: 17
Associated Peoplenotetaker - Henry, Philip preacher - Lewis, Ambrose?
Associated Sermons
Preachings1660-05-02 (old) - Worthenbury - Exercise; Identified as the "5th Exercise."
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionLoose, numbered pages presumably from a larger notebook in which Henry took notes at sermons. From Bundle #9.
Source of DataAnne James
Other Note
GEMMS record createdMay 15, 2017
GEMMS record last editedDecember 19, 2021