GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
Report TitleSermon reports (descriptive title)
Extentff. 290r-296r
Composition Dateca. 1655 - 1655
Primary LanguageEnglish
Report Type(s)Auditor's Sermon Diary
Bible Texts
Associated Peoplepreacher - Cockins, preacher - Day, Wentworthpreacher - Heyland, preacher - Simpson, John
Linked PlacesAll Hallows the Great
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionThe first sermon report opens as follows (f. 290r): 'The 8th Octob. Mr Simpson spoak upon three severall texts of Scripture, wch he said, the Spirit of God had giuen into him as so many answers to what had been vpon his heart. The first was out of ps. 33:16, 17, 18. There is no King [etc]. Two things, he said, his thoughts had been much vpon, one was, by what means those, yt had got great power into their hands, and used it to oppose Christ and his interest, might be brought downe. The other was, how in the ruine and desolations of such enemies and opposers of Christ, the safety and freedom of his people might be provided for.' Two other sermons by Simpson are reported (ff. 290v-291r). There are further reports of sermons preached by John Simpson, c. 1655 (ff. 291v-292v); John Simpson, ‘Mr Cockins’, and Wentworth Day, c. August 1655 (f. 294r-295r); and ‘Justice Heyland’ and John Simpson on 1 October (exact year not specified) (f. 296r). The location was All Hallows the Great, London.
Source of DataJ. R. Jacob, Robert Boyle and the English Revolution: A Study in Social and Intellectual Change (New York, NY: Burt Franklin, 1977), pp. 128-129; The National Archives online catalogue; Hannah Yip.
Other NoteWritten in a neat, italic hand, with some insertions and deletions. There are no marginal annotations. According to J. R. Jacob, 'We do not know who took the notes or whether Boyle ever saw them'. J. R. Jacob also conjectures that these notes date from the 'late summer and autumn of 1655'. He states that 'Boyle and his circle would have opposed the Fifth Monarchists. [...] by 1655 when the sermon notes in hand were taken, there was added reason for opposition, as the notes make clear'.
Attached URLs:
URLNotes National Archives online catalogue entry for RB/1/43/10.
GEMMS record createdMarch 26, 2019
GEMMS record last editedAugust 17, 2019