Report TitleParliamentary records of the impeachment of Roger Maynwaring (descriptive title)
In ManuscriptTracts and papers
Extentff. 170r-234r
Composition Date1628 - 1628
Primary LanguageEnglish
Report Type(s)Note of Sermon(s)
Bible TextsEcclesiastes 8:2 - 8: 2
Linked PlacesWestminster
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionThis report concerns the impeachment of Roger Maynwaring. Maynwaring is accused in this report, inter alia, of wishing to 'alter and subverte the frame and fabrike of this state and Com[m]onwealth'. See ODNB (Article: 18011) for more information.
Source of DataHannah Yip
Other NoteThe full title on f. 170r is written as follows: 'Mr Rouse his Reporte deliuered in the Comons House of Parliamente against Mr doctor Manweringe for his two Sermones preached before the Kinge, and published in printe.' These sermons had been published in Roger Maynwaring, Religion and Alegiance (London, 1627). The charge against Roger Maynwaring at the House of Commons was made on 'vltimo May' (i.e. 'the last day of May') in 1628 (see ff. 175r-176r). Further information is provided in 'The Complaint of the House of Com[m]ons in Parliament against doctor Manweringe', deliuered by M[r] Pyme in the presence of both Houses the. 31. of. May. 1628' on ff. 225r-231r, where offending passages from the printed sermons are quoted in full.The report also includes the sentence of impeachment by the House of Lords against Roger Maynwaring concerning his two sermons f. 233r (dated 14 June 1628), and Maynwaring’s submission on in which he acknowledges 'those many Errors & indiscretions' committed 'in preaching & publishing those 2 sermons', which had 'bynn full of many dangerous passages [...] & scandalous Assertions'. f. 234r (dated 20 June 1628). Written in a secretary hand. There is some use of Latin. The scribe is unknown.
GEMMS record createdJuly 01, 2019
GEMMS record last editedAugust 31, 2019