Report TitleChurch Book of Joseph Hussey
In ManuscriptChurch Book of Joseph Hussey
Composition Date1681 - 1726
Primary LanguageEnglish
Report Type(s)Preacher's Sermon Diary
Bible Texts
Associated Peoplepreacher - Hussey, Joseph
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionJoseph Hussey used this book to record his work as a Congregationalist minister, first in Cambridge and later in London. He described it as "A church book kept for my own Private Use, to register many Incedental Things; and especially my Preaching, Baptizing, and administiring the Lord's supper: together with a Register of the Names of my Pastoral Flock in Cambridge, from the year 1691. when they first call'd me to office and on to the year 1719. written with my own Hand and attested by me Joseph Hussey," (facing f. 1). He also recorded when another minister filled in for him and the occasions when he ministered elsewhere. Each entry is numbered, and Hussey generally recorded the date, location, occasion and text for sermons. The sermons are indexed by text and date until 1721.
Source of DataJennifer Farooq
Other Note
GEMMS record createdFebruary 29, 2016
GEMMS record last editedDecember 22, 2020