Sermon TitleSermon on John 15:24 (descriptive title)
Extentff. 246r-247r
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeSermon
Sermon Type(s)
Bible TextsJohn 15:24 - 15: 24
Associated Peoplepreacher - Lister, Accepted
Associated Sermons
Preachings1708-09-12 (old) - England - Occasion not identified; Location is not specified, but is almost certainly Kipping.
Additional Material"Mr. Lister intended to have proceeded in his Exposition further herein, but the Lord took him home, Feb: 24 in the night betwixt 12 & 2, o'clock. He was interred Feb: 28."
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionTenth sermon in a series on John 15.
Source of DataJeanne Shami
Other NoteAt the end of the sermon is an account of the death of Mr. Lister, followed by a sermon in the second hand by Mr. David Jennings (outside the date range of GEMMS).
GEMMS record createdJanuary 10, 2019
GEMMS record last editedMay 28, 2019