GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
Sermon TitleDavid’s ultimum vale to his dead son
Extentff. 45r–59v
Composition Dateca. 1630 - 1630
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeSermon
Sermon Type(s)Funeral
Associated Peoplededicatee - Stoner, Francispreacher - Firmin, Johnsubject of sermon - Stoner, Francis
Associated SermonsDavid's Vltimum Vale to his dead Sonne [Harley MS 6538]: Two manuscript witnesses of the same sermon.
Preachings (old) - England - Funeral;
Additional MaterialThere is a standalone quotation from Ovid on f. 45r, accompanied by a pen flourish. There is also a title page (f. 46r) and a dedicatory epistle addressed to Francis Stoner, the father of the deceased (ff. 47r–47v).
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionThe full title of the sermon is as follows: ‘David’s ultimum vale to his dead son. Or David’s & his son’s mortality’. See f. 46r. The deceased is described by the preacher as his ‘hopefull scholler’ (f. 47r). Firmin describes his manuscript as ‘these poore meditations’ which are to serve as ‘a monument to continue his name to ensuing posterity’ (ff. 47r–47v). The sermon proper begins on f. 48r.
Source of DataHannah Yip
Other NoteWritten in an italic hand. There are some marginal annotations; citations include Seneca, Ovid, Perkins, and John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. There is some use of Latin. The margins have been ruled with red ink.
GEMMS record createdMay 29, 2019
GEMMS record last editedMay 29, 2019