GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
Sermon TitleSermon on 1 John 5:7 (descriptive title)
Extentff. 19r-32v
Composition Dateca. 1690 - 1703
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeSermon Notes
Sermon Type(s)
Bible Texts1 John 5:7 - 5: 7
Associated Peoplepreacher - Fleming, the younger, Robert
Associated Sermons
Preachingsca. 1703-01-01 - 1703-12-31 (new) - Fordham - Lecture;
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
Description"Of the Trinity"
Source of DataRichard Snoddy
Other NoteThis subject and text were initially assigned to Mr. Wright according to the initial list of intended subjects; however, the finally summary, as well as the addition of Mr. Fleming's name near the heading of the sermon, indicates that Mr. Fleming did in fact preach it.
GEMMS record createdJanuary 16, 2016
GEMMS record last editedApril 28, 2017