Sermon TitleSermon on Ephesians 5:4 (descriptive title)
In ManuscriptNotes of Sermons: SH:3/S/18/2
Extent4 ff. (unfoliated and unpaginated)
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeAuditor's Notes
Sermon Type(s)
Bible TextsEphesians 5:4 - 5: 4
Associated Sermons
Preachings1671-09-03 (old) - West Riding of Yorkshire - Occasion not identified;
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionContained in the fourth pamphlet, marked "1671".
Source of DataCatherine Evans
Other NoteThe information about the preacher and date is written following the sermon, rather than at the beginning, so it may not refer to this sermon.
GEMMS record createdAugust 07, 2019
GEMMS record last editedMarch 14, 2020