Sermon TitleSermon on 1 Samuel 2:30 (descriptive title)
In ManuscriptMiscellanous tracts: Harley MS 280
Extentff. 21r-22r
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeAuditor's Notes
Sermon Type(s)
Bible Texts1 Samuel 2:30 - 2: 30
Associated Sermons
Preachingsca. 1584-03-25 - 1585-06-01 (old) - Cambridge University - Occasion not identified; The date and location are conjectural, based upon the previous sermons in this manuscript.
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
Source of DataHannah Yip
Other NoteWritten in a standard secretary hand.
GEMMS record createdMarch 04, 2020
GEMMS record last editedMarch 04, 2020