Sermon TitleMr Calimy's Sermon preached at his own church
Extentff. 46v-48v
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeAuditor's Notes
Sermon Type(s)
Bible TextsPsalms 55:22 - 55: 22
Associated Peopleauditor - Waller (née Paget), Annepreacher - Calamy (the elder), Edmundscribe - Waller (née Paget), Anne
Associated Sermons
Preachings1642-11-05 (old) - St Mary Aldermanbury - Occasion not identified; The year is conjectural, based on the previous sermons within this manuscript.
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionThe full title of the sermon is 'Mr Calimy's Sermon preached at his own church the 5t[h] of Nouember'.
Source of DataHannah Yip
Other NoteDespite its date, this sermon does not seem to be preoccupied with the Gunpowder Plot, but rather 'the distractions of thes[e] times, namly this siuill war which is one of the sorest Judgments that God threathens \to bring/ vpon a sinfull poeple' (see f. 46v).
GEMMS record createdSeptember 19, 2020
GEMMS record last editedSeptember 19, 2020