GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
Sermon TitleA Sermon against rash and Common Swearing
Extentpp. 1-42
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text Type
Sermon Type(s)
Bible TextsJames 5:12 - 5: 12
Associated People
Associated Sermons
Preachings1704-07-09 (old) - St Bride - Occasion not identified; 1707-07-16 (old) - Oxenden Chapel - Occasion not identified; 1707-11-09 (old) - St Bride - Occasion not identified; 1707-11-09 (old) - St Peter Cornhill - Occasion not identified;
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
Source of DataJeanne Shami
Other NoteAdditional preachings outside of GEMMS date range. Some in another hand.
GEMMS record createdNovember 24, 2020
GEMMS record last editedNovember 24, 2020