Sermon TitleSermon on Hebrews 13:17 (descriptive title)
In ManuscriptPapers of John Warner: MS Eng. th. b. 7
Composition Dateca. 1605 - 1665
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypePreacher's Notes
Sermon Type(s)
Bible TextsHebrews 13:17 - 13: 17
Associated Peoplepreacher - Warner, John
Associated Sermons
Preachings (old) - England - Occasion not identified;
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionNotes that had been sent by John Warner (and assumedly returned). His information and the remnants of the seal are on the verso.
Source of DataJeanne Shami
Other Note
GEMMS record createdMarch 29, 2021
GEMMS record last editedMarch 29, 2021