Sermon TitlePresbyteriall exercise the adding part on Philippians 4.1 by Arch[ibald] Haddin
In ManuscriptVolume of homilies by various Glasgow University students of James Wodrow (2): GB 247 MS Gen 342
ExtentMS 32: 10 leaves (unpaginated and unfoliated)
Composition Date1697 -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeSermon Draft
Sermon Type(s)
Bible TextsPhilippians 4:1 - 4: 1
Associated Sermons
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionA presbytery exercise on Phillipians 4:1 by a student of Wodrow at the University of Glasgow called Arch[ibald] Haddin dated 29 October 1697. The 'added part' was the short sermon that followed the making of the exercise in a presbytery meeting. The MS is 10 leaves with some in-text edits in the author's own hand. The title given appears to have been added to the MS by Wodrow.
Source of DataNicole Cumming
Other Note
GEMMS record createdJune 19, 2023
GEMMS record last editedJune 19, 2023