Sermon TitleSermon 2 on unidentified text (descriptive title)
Extentf. 372r
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypePreacher's Notes
Sermon Type(s)
Bible Texts
Associated Peoplepreacher - Crookshank (Crookshanks), John
Associated Sermons
Preachings1659-03-28 (old) - Raphoe - Occasion not identified;
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionPreacher’s notes on the Ten Commandments. ‘Being purposed to preach thorow the Commands I reesolve to sett downe heer in this paper materialls for my sermones and every week to prepare for this’ ‘Rapho March 28 1659’.
Source of DataLucy Busfield
Other NoteBible text unknown.
GEMMS record createdJuly 31, 2016
GEMMS record last editedMay 11, 2021