GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
Sermon TitleSermon on 2 Timothy 3:1 (descriptive title)
Extentff. 78r-84r
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeSermon
Sermon Type(s)Fast
Associated Peoplepreacher - Beaumont, John
Associated Sermons
Preachings1711-03-28 (old) - Deptford - Fast; Fast for the war with France and Spain1712-08-31 (old) - Peckham - Occasion not identified; 1713-03-15 (new) - Rotherhithe (Redriff) - Occasion not identified; 1713-03-24 (new) - Horsleydown Meeting House - Occasion not identified; Noted as preached at Mr. Galloway's in Southwark. James​ Galloway was the pastor at Parish Street, Horsleydown from 1702-1727.1721-12-08 (old) - Deptford - Fast; Fast for the plague in France1723-09-02 (old) - King's/Queen's Weigh-house, Eastcheap - Fast; Fast for the London fire
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
Description‘The perills of the last times’. ‘in 1 at Deptford Kent the 28th of March. 1711, the fast for the war with France & Spain. It: in 2 at Peckham in Surrey the 31th of Aug: 1712. It: in 2 at the point in Redriff in Surrey March 15th 1712/13. It: 1 at Mr Galloways in Horseydonn Southwark; March the 24th 1712/13: In 1 at Deptford in Kent the 8th 10ber. 1721 the fast for the plague in France. & 1 at the weigh house on 2d 7ber 1723 the fast for the fire in London.’
Source of DataLucy Busfield
Other Note
GEMMS record createdOctober 30, 2016
GEMMS record last editedMarch 18, 2024