GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
Sermon TitleSermon on Psalms 144:15 (descriptive title)
Extentff. 78r-84v
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeSermon
Sermon Type(s)
Associated Peopleauditor - Stuart, James Ipreacher - Donne, John
Associated SermonsSermon on Psalms 144:15 [MS 52.D.14]: Manuscript witnesses of the same sermon.
Preachings1620-04-30 (old) - Whitehall Palace Chapel Royal - Occasion not identified;
Additional Material
Print Editions / WitnessesThree printings: 1) "SERM. LXXIV. Preached at White-hall, the 30. Aprill 1620" in LXXX sermons preached by that learned and reverend divine, Iohn Donne, Dr in Divinity, late Deane of the cathedrall church of S. Pauls London (London, 1640); 2) "Number 2: Preached at White-hall, the 30. April 1620," in George R. Potter and Evelyn M. Simpson, eds., The Sermons of John Donne, vol. 3 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1962), 73-90; 3) "Preached at Whitehall, April 30, 1620," in The Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John Donne, vol. 2, ed. Hugh Adlington (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
DescriptionWritten at the end is, "Finis of Doctor Dunns sermon preach'd at Whit-hall before the Kinge the thirtyeth of April 1620" (f. 84v).
Source of DataJeanne Shami; George R. Potter and Evelyn M. Simpson, eds., The Sermons of John Donne, vol. 1 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1953), p. 35
Other NoteOther manuscript copies appear in the 'Dowden' (Bodleian Library, MS. Eng. th. e. 102), 'Lothian' (National Library of Scotland, MS 5767), and St. Paul's (a. k. a. 'Chetwode') manuscripts (St. Paul's Cathedral Library, MS 52.D.14). See Potter and Simpson, vol. 1, p. 35. Full diplomatic transcriptions of these manuscripts are available at the 'Sermons in Manuscript' page on the OESJD website (see link below).
Attached URLs:
URLNotes transcription of the sermon by Erica Longfellow.'Sermons in Manuscript', OESJD.
GEMMS record createdApril 13, 2017
GEMMS record last editedNovember 30, 2021