TitleSermons of Obadiah Wills, Volume 3
ShelfmarkMS 28.19
Creation Dateca. 1699 - 1699
RepositoryDr Williams's Library
Contents NoteThis is one of eleven small bound volumes of sermons, being vols. 2-4 and 6-13 of a series, hastily written in a uniform hand throughout. On the front page is written what appears on all of the volumes: Sermons on sev[er]all subjects by O. W, followed by a statement that these are "hastely studdyed & confusedly written this being only a repository for g[ener]all heads pop[ular]: discourses, etc. yt they may not be lost as grally they are when writt in loose papers." According to the table on p. 273 there appear to be three texts (and eleven sermons) on which sermon are taken. It is difficult if not impossible to tell where the divisions between sermons are for sermons on the same text. The author is conjectured to be Obadiah Wills. That these are a preacher's notes is suggested by the fact that the scriptural texts are written in Greek as well as English.
Material Features273 pages.
Associated Peoplemanuscript owner? - Wills, Obadiah
Source of DataJeanne Shami
Other NoteThe approximate dates for the sermons contained within this series of volumes is determined from the date at the beginning of each volume. This one is dated October 30, 1699.
Sermons ContainedSermons on Matthew 6.9 -- pp. 1-155Sermon on 1 Thessalonians 5:22 -- pp. 157-193Sermons on Romans 3:19 -- pp. 194-242
Sermon Reports Contained
GEMMS record createdApril 19, 2016
GEMMS record last editedMarch 14, 2021