Sermon TitleSermon on Ezekiel 9:4 (descriptive title)
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeSermon
Sermon Type(s)Communion
Bible TextsEzekiel 9:4 - 9: 4
Associated Peoplepreacher - Brown, James
Associated Sermons
Preachings1696-08-13 (new) - St Mungo's (Inner High Kirk) - Preparation to communion; Thursday fast day
Additional Material
Print Editions / Witnesses
DescriptionA sermon on Ezekiel 9:4 by Mr James Broun. Preached 'at the Inner church Thursday ... on the fast before the co[mmun]ion', 13 August 1696. No year given but a later sermon confirms this Communion was 1696.
Source of DataNicole Cumming
Other Note
GEMMS record createdAugust 03, 2023
GEMMS record last editedAugust 03, 2023