GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
Sermon TitleSermon on Proverbs 31:28 (descriptive title)
Extentunfoliated and unpaginated
Composition Date -
Primary LanguageEnglish
Text TypeSermon
Sermon Type(s)Funeral
Associated Peoplepreacher - Henry, Matthew subject of sermon - Henry, Katherine
Associated Sermons
Preachings1707-06-04 (old) - Broad Oak - Funeral;
Additional Material
Print Editions / WitnessesPrinted as Matthew Henry, A Sermon Preached at Broad-oak, June 4. 1707. On Occasion of the Death of Mrs. Katharine Henry, Relict of Mr. Philip Henry. Who Fell Asleep in the Lord, May 25. 1707. In the 79th Year of Her Age. By Her Son (London, 1712). Also included in The Works of the Late Reverend Mr. Matthew Henry; Being a Complete Collection of All the Discourses, Sermons and Other Tracts, That Were Published by Himself. Together With an Account of His Life, and a Sermon, Preach'd on the Occasion of His Death. Both by the Reverend Mr. William Tong (London, 1726).
DescriptionA funeral sermon for Mrs. Katherine Henry, the grandmother of Mrs. Holland, who prefaces the sermon with the title "A Sermon Preach'd by Uncle [Matthew] Henry at Broad-Oak, on the same occasion. June.4.1707."
Source of DataJeanne Shami
Other Note
GEMMS record createdApril 20, 2017
GEMMS record last editedDecember 02, 2021