PlaceEdinburgh University (institution), Edinburgh, Edinburghshire, Scotland, Europe
Repositories Contained
New College Library (archive)
New College Library (archive)
New College Library (archive)
Associated PeoplePlace of Study - Balcanquhall, WalterPlace of Study - Boston, ThomasPost - Carstares , William Place of Study - Carstares , William Place of Study - Dalrymple Maclagan, WilliamPlace of Study - Grosart, AlexanderPlace of Study - Hastie, AlexanderPlace of Study - Horsburgh, RobertPlace of Study - Hunter, RobertPlace of Study - Kay, CharlesPlace of Study - Kirkton, JamesPlace of Study - Kirkwood, JamesPost - Leighton, Robert Place of Study - Nesbitt (Nesbet, Nisbit), JohnPlace of Study - Semple, SamuelPlace of Study - Smith, MatthewPost - Smyth, CharlesPlace of Study - Whitaker, ThomasPlace of Study - Wishart (Wisheart), William
Manuscripts Housed
Linked Sermon Reports
GEMMS record createdOctober 14, 2016
GEMMS record last editedDecember 03, 2018