PlacePembroke College (college), Oxford University, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, Europe
Associated PeoplePlace of Study - Ambrouse (Ambrose?), JoshuaPlace of Study - Bowater, SamuelPlace of Study - Dugard (DuGard), WilliamPlace of Study - Fenner, WilliamPlace of Study - Gataker, CharlesPlace of Study - Gillingham, GeorgePlace of Study - Griffith, GeorgePlace of Study - Gulliver, JohnPlace of Study - Hughes, GeorgePlace of Study - Humphrey (Humfrey), John Place of Study - Kimberly (Kimberley), JonathanPlace of Study - Lane, WilliamPlace of Study - Langley, HenryPlace of Study - Lugg, Emanuel (Manual)Place of Study - Malden, John Place of Study - Robinson, Place of Study - Sedgwick, WilliamPlace of Study - Turton, HumphreyPost - Wightwicke (Whitwicke), Henry
Manuscripts Housed
Linked Sermon Reports
GEMMS record createdNovember 03, 2015
GEMMS record last editedNovember 09, 2015