GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
PlaceInner Temple (institution), London, England, Europe
Associated PeoplePlace of Study - Broughton, RichardPlace of Study - Bulstrode, RichardPost - Crashawe, WilliamPlace of Study - Croke, GeorgePlace of Business - Croke, GeorgePlace of Study - Egerton, JohnPlace of Study - Forster, JohnPlace of Study - Fulke, WilliamPlace of Study - Gamull, ThomasPlace of Study - Huth, EdwardPlace of Business - Johnson, LancelotPlace of Study - Stoughton, AnthonyPlace of Business - Vaughan, JohnPlace of Study - Whitby, EdwardPlace of Study - Wilson, JoshuaPlace of Study - Wylde (Wilde), GeorgePlace of Study - Yonge (the younger), Walter
Manuscripts Housed
Linked Sermon Reports
GEMMS record createdMarch 10, 2016
GEMMS record last editedOctober 24, 2016