GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
PlaceUniversity of Edinburgh (institution), Edinburgh, Edinburghshire, Scotland, Europe
Associated PeoplePlace of Study - Arskine [Erskine], William Post - Hamilton, WilliamPlace of Study - Hamilton, WilliamPlace of Study - Hog [Hogg] , JohnPlace of Study - Huison (Howison/Houston), RichardPlace of Study - Hutcheson, GeorgePlace of Study - Jack, WilliamPlace of Study - Kirk, Robert Place of Study - Nairn (Nairne), JamesPlace of Study - Rule, RobertPlace of Study - Rutherford, SamuelPlace of Study - Sprigg, JoshuaPlace of Study - Trail, RobertPlace of Study - Trail, WilliamPlace of Study - Wilkie, Thomas
Manuscripts Housed
Linked Sermon Reports
GEMMS record createdMay 22, 2017
GEMMS record last editedMay 22, 2017