GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
PlaceThe Henry E. Huntington Library (archive) (repository), San Marino, California, United States of America, North America
Associated People
Manuscripts HousedCall # 102338 In nomine CrucifixiEL 1151 (34/B/36) Mr Kinges Sermon before his Maty at OtelandesEL 11635 (35/B/6) The Everlasting CovenantEL 11636 (35/B/57) Sermon on 2 Samuel 12:13-14EL 1171 (34/B/41) Anonymous sermon on Hebrews 12:3EL 1172 (34/B/42) The Rehearsall SermonEL 31/A/5 An Elegiack ComemorationEL 34/B/1 A Sermon by Mr FowlerEL 34/B/62 Sermon by Mr MooreEL 34/C/2 MiscellaneaEL 6162-6206 Miscellaneous PapersEL 6866 (35/B/2) Sermon by John RawlinsonEL 6867 (34/A/18) A Sermon at WhitehallEL 6868 (35/B/3) A Sermon preached in St Pauls ChurchEL 6871 (35/B/8) Certaine Collections of the Right hon:ble Elizabeth late Countesse of HuntingdonEL 6873 (35/B/10) Sermon Preached at LudloweEL 6874 Extract from a sermon by Calybute Downing, c. 1642EL 6876 (35/B/12) Two sermons by Dr. SkynnerEL 6879 (35/B/15) Sermon Preached at LudloweEL 6880 (35/B/16) A Sermon by M:r John CarterEL 6881 (35/B/17) A Sermon Preached at Little GadesdenEL 6882 (35/B/18) A Sermon by Mr. John CarterEL 6883 (35/B/19) A Sermon Preached at Little GaddesdenEL 6884 (35/B/20) Prayers and a sermon by John CarterEL 6885 (35/B/21) A Funerall Sermon vpon the death of the CountesseEL 6886 (35/B/22) A Sermon Preached before his Maiestie, vpon Innocentes daieEL 6887 (35/B/23) M:r John Carter's Funerall Sermon, for Frances Countesse of BridgewaterEL 8178 (35/B/28) Mans Perdition & Salvation with their seuerall causes Displayed and openedEL 8178a (34/A/20) The Pilgrims StaffeEL 8178c (35/B/29) The Thankfvll Leper or SamaritanEL 8178d (34/A/22) Three SermonsEL 8178e (35/B/30) Sermon by Richard HookerEL 8373 Mr. Heylin, at ye buriall of my sonneEL 8388 (35/B/38) A Seasonable Discourse to the Clergy & Laity in a Visitation SermonEL 8389 (35/B/39) A Sermon, of Law, Nature, and ConscienceEL 8619 (35/B/42) A Sermon preach'd at the Opening of the new ChapellHA 14079 Hastings Irish Papers, Box 18HA 15764 Hastings Irish Papers, Box 5, HA 15764HA 15765 Hastings Irish Papers, Box 9Hastings Family Papers. mssHa. Religious Box 1, item 10. Notes on a SermonHM 12418 Sermon by Matthew HenryHM 1347 Sermon notes of Cotton MatherHM 15369 Certaine Collections of the right hon:ble Elizabeth late Countesse of HuntingdonHM 2153 Notes for a sermon by Increase MatherHM 2154 Notes for a sermon by Cotton MatherHM 26613 Daniel Defoe's NotebookHM 31307 Commonplace book. Sermons and travelHM 32431 Sermon on Romans 8:15HM 32477 Sermon by Samuel DanforthHM 47865 A Godlie and Profitable SermonHM 70161 William Power sermons, 1635-1638HM 80566 Welsh Protestant's Sermons Preached in Northern Ireland: Manuscript Volume, 1690HM 83773 Notebook of John Warly, c. 1647HM 83774 Notebook of John Warly, c. 1649HM 93 Dayly Obseruations both Diuine & Morall. The First partHM 982 Sermon on Ephesians 1:8Stowe Temple Religious Papers Sermons and sermon notesThe Hastings Collection, Literature Box 1, Folder 6 Certaine Collections of the Right Hon:ble Elizabeth late Countesse of HuntingdonThe Hastings Collection, Personal Papers, Box 18 Memoranda book of Lucy Hastings, Countess of HuntingdonThe Hastings Collection, Religious Box 1, Item 13 Commonplace book notes of sermons and religious meditationsThe Hastings Collection, Religious Box 2, Folder 8 Certaine Collections of the Right Hon:ble Elizabeth late Countesse of HuntingdonThe Hastings Collection, Religious Box 3 Seventeenth-century sermons and sermon notes
Linked Sermon Reports
Attached URLs:
catalog.huntington.orgThe Huntington Library online catalogue for manuscripts and printed books.
GEMMS record createdSeptember 24, 2019
GEMMS record last editedSeptember 26, 2019