GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
PlacePembroke College (college), Cambridge University, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, Europe
Associated PeoplePlace of Study - Andrewes, LancelotPost - Andrewes, LancelotPlace of Study - Balcanquhall, WalterPlace of Study - Bargrave, IsaacPlace of Study - Beale, JeromePlace of Study - Bridges, JohnPlace of Study - Bullock, RichardPlace of Study - Bulstrode, RichardPlace of Study - Calamy (the elder), EdmundPlace of Study - Corlett, ElijahPlace of Study - Crossman, SamuelPlace of Study - Doolittle, ThomasPlace of Study - Duncon, EleazarPlace of Study - Felton, NicholasPost - Felton, NicholasPlace of Study - Fenton, RogerPost - Fulke, WilliamPlace of Study - Gravett, WilliamPlace of Study - Gulliver, JosiasPost - Harsnett (Harsnet, Horesnet), SamuelPlace of Study - Harsnett (Harsnet, Horesnet), SamuelPlace of Study - Henshaw, JosephPlace of Study - Holcombe, SamuelPlace of Study - Johnson, LancelotPlace of Study - Kemp, ArthurPlace of Study - Keynes, GeoffreyPlace of Study - Lany (Laney/Lanye), EdwardPlace of Study - Latham, JohnPlace of Study - Lenthall, ThomasPlace of Study - Lingard, RichardPlace of Study - Mitton, RogerPlace of Study - Palmer, WilliamPost - Pocklington, JohnPlace of Study - Powell, ThomasPlace of Study - Procter, RichardPlace of Study - Richardson, ThomasPlace of Study - Shute, HenryPost - Simpson, SidrachPost - Vines, RichardPlace of Study - Whitgift, JohnPlace of Study - Wilkinson, RobertPlace of Study - Wren, MatthewPlace of Study - Wright, SamuelPlace of Study - Young, John
Manuscripts Housed
Linked Sermon Reports
GEMMS record createdOctober 03, 2015
GEMMS record last editedNovember 09, 2015